Most Common Questions asked by Patients

1. I don't want to be adjusted, do I need to be?

Dr. Jake: Absolutely not! Roughly 50% of the patients that come in get adjusted and it is solely based on preferences and previous results. I use many other techniques and protocols and will work with you to find one that fits!

2. I've already seen a chiropractor and it didn't help, why see you?

Dr. Jake: Most chiropractors do very little of what you will experience at APC. We will work with you to find the root cause of your symptoms and give you a personalized treatment plan based on your goals. We still perform techniques you would receive at a 'traditional' chiropractic office like adjustments, but you will also receive soft tissue treatment, exercise and rehab programming. APC prides itself on no 'cookie-cutter' treatment plans.

3. Why do I need exercise on top of chiropractic care?

Dr. Jake: While passive therapy (adjustments, soft tissue treatment, etc.) are great at what they do, we use exercise to not only diagnose, but to also improve your daily activites and sport requirements. You are required to move for the rest of your life and the exercise you will perform at APC will mimic and progress those movements in a way that's consistent with your goals. If we didn't use exercise, you are just bound to be back in pain or not moving as well as you could.

4. What type of patients do you see?

Dr. Jake: Here is a list of people we can help:

  1. Serious youth to professional athletes who have been injured or are struggling with a movement in their sport.
  2. Crossfitters and other weightlifters
  3. Active Adults (18-64yo) who have been injured exercising and want to return to excercise without pain.
  4. Weekend Warriors who may experience some aches, pains, or stiffness but live a busy life and can't get the care they need regularly.

5. My last chiropractor saw me for 5 minutes, cracked my back, and I leave. Is this what you do?

Dr. Jake: The complete opposite! You will still get the hands-on treatment, but we will spend time with you, make sure you are heard, and explain what is causing your symptoms and what we can do about it! Our average visit lasts 1 hour to make sure you are getting the movement your body deserves.

6. Will you tell me to stop exercising or playing my sport?

Dr. Jake: In the majority of cases, NO! I always tell my patients, "I will be the last person to tell you to stop (moving/exercising/lifting)". These are key parts of your life and I want you to be able to perform these tasks as part of your rehab.

7. How often will I need treatment?

Dr. Jake: This depends on your specific condition, generally treatment plans do not exceed more than 2 visits per week.

8. Do I need to come for the rest of my life?

Dr. Jake: Absolutely not! I hear this belief all the time, which was due to a previous generation of chiropractors incorrectly preaching lifelong health. We never demand you to continue care when you have healed and are back to doing what you love. Some patient's decide to continue treatment as other issues or goals will arise and they have appreciated the care we provided!

9. Will the treatment cause pain?

Dr. Jake: There is usually no pain with an adjustment or soft tissue treatment. It is normal to experience some muscle soreness after a visit, similar to what you would expect if you haven't exercised in awhile.

10. I just got injured, how long should I wait before scheduling?

Dr. Jake: With a new injury I want to see you as soon as possible. Many new patients will wait to schedule, thinking a condition will go away but it never does and then we have lost valuable time in treating the condition. In general, the longer a condition is bothering you, the longer it will continue to bother you.

11. Do I need to be in pain when I enter your office?

Dr. Jake: No! As a matter of fact, not being in pain when you enter the office makes treatment easier because we are able to treat your condition without pain dictating our treatment focus. Without pain at that moment, we can focus all of our attention on the root cause of your condition rather than determining the best route to get you out of pain.

12. What if I don't do anything about my injury?

Dr. Jake: Often, the injury won't heal and you will be left in pain. If pain does subside, there is often a movement disorder of the muscles and joints due to your bodies compensation to get around your injury.

Any of these sound like you? If so, schedule today!

If you have any questions that weren't covered here, please contact us!